We use raw materials that are sourced from the world’s most trusted suppliers. Audits are done before a supplier is contracted and all raw materials are extensively tested before they are accepted for use in Bioclinic Naturals products.
Bioclinic Naturals facilities meet Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) guidelines, as well as the strict regulations of the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Bioclinic Naturals complies with all aspects of these GMP regulations, ensuring that only the highest quality finished goods reach our customers and their clients.
The guidelines for manufacturing mean that Bioclinic Naturals offers quality assurance, analysis and testing, proven procedures, documentation and validation, appropriate and approved equipment and facilities, as well as all required employee training and participation in meeting quality control standards. What this means for a Health Care Practitioner is that every Bioclinic Naturals product provides known, consistent, health benefits based on researched and measurable levels of known therapeutic nutrients and botanicals.
Bioclinic Naturals laboratories also meet Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) guidelines that require strict adherence to specific quality standards. These GMP and GLP guidelines, as well as our attention to quality assurance, ensure that Bioclinic Naturals products are pure, potent and contain exactly what is on the label – no more, no less. GLP means that we meet the following commitments:
A set of written procedures for conducting every operation in the laboratory.
Analyst Training Program
All methods are validated to ensure consistency of analytical parameters including selectivity, linearity, range, accuracy and recovery, precision and ruggedness.
Products are tested throughout the shelf-life and for one additional year to guarantee that the potency always matches the label claim.