Our unremitting commitment to quality, from raw materials through to clinical testing, means that our products are pure, potent and effective, to earn and deserve the trust of clinicians and their patients.
All Bioclinic Naturals products are independently third party tested by ISURA. ISURA is an independent, non-profit analytical testing and certification organiastion. ISURA is committed to championing the complementary medicine industry by helping it to produce evidence-based products that stand up to its harshest critics.
ISURA certification means more accountability in the natural health industry, better products and informed choices for consumers. The standards for ISURA’s certification services for natural health products are among the world’s highest. They meet or exceed international standards for natural health products set by organisations including the Therapeutic Goods Administration of Australia (TGA). To be ISURA certified is the way of the future in the natural health industry and ensures quality that is second to none.
To earn the ISURA seal of approval, a product’s actives and excipients must be: