ISURA provides comprehensive certification services, education and an advocacy platform for Canada’s natural health supplement and food industries.
Bioclinic Naturals products are ISURA certified to demonstrate its commitment to testing raw materials for quality, purity and potency through ISURA’s state-of-the-art testing facilities. ISURA certification means more accountability in the natural health industry, better products and informed choices for Canadian consumers.
Bioclinic Naturals complies with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) with the Australian Therapeutics Goods Association (TGA). GMP regulations are a higher level than those mandated under Health Canada’s NNHPD Regulations. Validation must also be performed on analytical methods and equipment. “In Australia, medicinal products containing such ingredients as herbs, vitamins, minerals, nutritional supplements, homeopathic and certain aromatherapy preparations are referred to as ‘complementary medicines’ and are regulated as medicines under the Therapeutics Goods Act 1989.”
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) is used in North America as the #1 Reference manual for test methodology for drugs and nutritional supplements and for potency guidance as specified in the NNHPD regulations. USP is also involved in product and manufacturer audits. This is a very stringent annual audit in which the manufacturer must comply with USP Manufacturing Practices for Dietary Supplements and 21 CFR Part 111 – Current GMP in Manufacturing, Packaging and Labelling or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements under the FDA. We have been audited by the USP since 2008 and achieved USP GMP certification each year.